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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Congrats Shadowdrifter!

One of our writers, Shadowdrifter, has made an outstanding article about hacking Audix systems. His article was recently published on a hacking security website called mrcracker.

Here is just a little taste of the article

So as many of you know cell phone voicemails are incredibly insecure. Now for reconnaissance this isn’t useful when you are gathering information on big companies. Mostly due to the fact that employee cell phones are often private. When doing reconnaissance you should always be aware of the information you have already found, and how it can be used. Thats where an employee directory comes in handy. Many top businesses use the Audix voicemail system so knowledge of the system is invaluable.

So, head on over to mrcracker to view the article now. Again, congratulations Shadowdrifter!

Simple coin flip simulation.

By simple coin flip simulation I am meaning that I created a program with Python to "simulate" flipping a coin 100 hundred times which then returns the result. It is a simple program using list, and the random module built into Python.

import random
# Assigning the variables
i = 1
h = 1
t = 2
lit = []
lih = []
# Starting the loop
while 101 > i:
# Random function to select 1,2 to represent heads and tails.
data = random.randint(h,t)
print data
i = i + 1
data = int(data)

if data == 1:

if data == 2:


e = len(lit)
e = str(e)
f = len(lih)
f = str(f)
print 'You flipped tails ' + e + ' ' + 'times ' + 'and ' +  'You flipped heads ' + f + ' times'

This is just an example of what you can do with very simple functions, and just a few lines of code.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

PODCAST : Episode Four - Dead Drops

In this episode Clocwork briefly talks about Dead Drops.