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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Simple coin flip simulation.

By simple coin flip simulation I am meaning that I created a program with Python to "simulate" flipping a coin 100 hundred times which then returns the result. It is a simple program using list, and the random module built into Python.

import random
# Assigning the variables
i = 1
h = 1
t = 2
lit = []
lih = []
# Starting the loop
while 101 > i:
# Random function to select 1,2 to represent heads and tails.
data = random.randint(h,t)
print data
i = i + 1
data = int(data)

if data == 1:

if data == 2:


e = len(lit)
e = str(e)
f = len(lih)
f = str(f)
print 'You flipped tails ' + e + ' ' + 'times ' + 'and ' +  'You flipped heads ' + f + ' times'

This is just an example of what you can do with very simple functions, and just a few lines of code.

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